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We are all needed. It is no coincidence that you, or the rest of us, are here on this Earth, at this time.

You, are not here on some random note. Your life matters. Your actions matter. YOU matter!

Whether you are at the start of your soul journey, or you have been around the track many times, you have important things to do. Either for your own self-development, soul growth, for experience gathering, or as a conscious helper of raising the awareness and spreading the light – being a beacon from your place on the global grid of light.


“Accepting your destiny” – is a concept I repeatedly have ‘heard’ and ‘come across’ recently in my daily meditations, channelings, and tarot readings.

Accepting your destiny.  It has to do with realising your immense powers. Those awesome powers you hold within you – to do GOOD on this Earth! To help others! To raise your own awareness of the ‘divine’, Source, the higher intelligence, the universe, the cosmic ‘soup’ and the invisible realms.

Accepting your destiny has to do with your realisation that there is ‘something’ beyond regular life.


Embracing your gifts and all that this entails

TV Series or movies can often give us insights or epiphanies. Watching The Flash recently on Netflix, the theme of “accepting your destiny” particularly  struck a chord with me, as this is currently highlighted for me at this time:

The theme came up, showing that it so important to accept who you are – including all the gifts you have, all the mistakes you have made and will make, but also including all the greatness that entails when you LIVE IN YOUR OWN POWERS.

Barry had to accept his destiny of being the Flash, with all the dangers and the impossible decisions that that entails – but in embracing who he is, powers and mistakes and all, he gets to live in his full potential, which means he can use his given gifts to help others, to help the highest good of all, to enjoy his being, his life and his powers.

The important point here is: He embraced his destiny, his powers – and he now lives through the decisions, the challenges, the hardship that comes along with that. He gets to embrace using his powers fully, by accepting the kind of life that this entails!


This is true for any of us. We cannot go through life without making mistakes, misjudgments, blunders, failures etc. This is true for all. But this should not stop us from using the powers we have! All the good we can do when we use our given gifts, our innate gifts and strengths should outweigh our apprehensions about using them and fulfilling our ‘destiny’.


We have powers!

We have powers too! They may not be of the same caliber as The Flash or other ‘Meta-humans’, but WE DO HAVE POWERS!

We have psychic powers, clairvoyant powers, powers of empathy and compassion, powers of visualisation, of creativity, of mental capacity, we have our power of imagination, of heart-felt actions, of being able to sense energies and auric fields, of physical capabilities and other strengths.


We are defined by what we do, by the powers we have, the gifts we have, by the contributions we make, by the strengths we show and by how we handle our challenges. The ‘mistakes’ we make along the way, are all part of the deal. They help us learn and get better and hone our skills.


Those are our powers. And we can change the world with those! To make it a better place. For the highest good of all.


So don’t play small. Spread your wings. EMBRACE YOURSELF, and your powers! ACCEPT YOUR DESTINY!

Then go out and make your mistakes, and correct your mistakes, and learn, and enjoy, and love and share.

It is all part of your life here on this Earth, at this time.



© Marianne Johansen, 2019

All rights reserved. Feel free to share or quote, but please link back to source.




Photo credit: Kristopher Roller – Unsplash


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