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Time Anomalies
Sacred Geometry
Different realities - individual vs. collective
UFOs and spiritual evolvement - is there a link?
Experiencing death in past life regressions

INDEX:    Time Anomalies   /   Sacred Geometry   /  Different realities - individual vs. collectiveUFOs and spiritual evolvement - is there a link?   /   Experiencing death in past life regressions   /   Inter-dimensional travel (crystals)   /   Channeling and "speaking in tongues"   /   13 rays - 13 galaxies? / Visiting the Akashic Records



Time anomalies

Time is a strange concept. It can be hard to really understand what time is, and how it 'got here'. Is time just a progression of maturity? A frequency of change? But what about time travel - going back in time, or visiting the future? 

An article in the Express (express.co.uk/news/science/738387/Time-NOT-real-EVERYTHING-happens-same-time-einstein), publ. on 18 Feb 2020, states that a group of physicists proposed the theory that "TIME is not real - it is a human construct to help us differentiate between now and our perception of the past"... and goes on to say that "The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW."

The article further quotes Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicist Max Tegmark as saying that "We have the illusion, at any given moment, that the past already happened and the future doesn't yet exist, and that things are changing. But all I'm ever aware of is my brain state right now. The only reason I feel like I have a past is that my brain contains memories.”

British physicist, Dr. Julian Barbour, is also quoted in the article as saying that "Everything is as a series of “nows”.

We might also wonder if time only exists here on Earth? Or if it is a 'universal' concept? 

Explaining the 'nature' of time: What are quantum jumps, timelines, astral travel, time glitches etc.?

Following are some accounts of strange time 'anomalies' I have experienced over the years. While physicists and scientists are researching the concept of time, events like the ones I have had, are hard to explain, but may yet help shed some light on the 'bendy' nature of time, or on timelines/dimensions, or on the 'everything happens right now'-theory. 

Can these experiences be explained as 'timeline slips'? Jumping between dimensions? Parallel lives blending? Glitches? What is your interpretation? Have you had similar experiences?: 

2018: Insight into a parallel life?:

I was asleep in my bed. I was woken up by the sound of my youngest son laughing - he was sleeping next to me. I leaned over to see if he was awake or dreaming, and he was just coming out of his sleep, and said he was fine, then he went back to sleep immediately. Next thing I hear the door to my oldest son's room opening, and I hear footsteps (barefeet) running rushingly down the stairs - just around the same time I noticed that I heard a knocking on our front door.

Through the crack of the almost open door to my bedroom, I saw the light from my oldest son's room light up part of the landing and staircase.

I got out of bed and went out on the landing of the stairs to check what was going on downstairs and if my son was alright, but it was dark - and the door to his room was closed. I went in to see if he was in there, and there he was fast asleep - and only woke up when I entered his room. He had been asleep the whole time! He would not have had a chance to come back up without making a sound or me noticing. 

2009: Time glitch or parallel life blending?:

I had another similar 'time slip'/'glitch' experience back in 2009 after I had learned that my beloved husband had passed away. I was sitting in a foyer, together with friends, family members etc., having just had the shocking news delivered to me around an hour earlier, when I suddenly saw a very distraught woman (the one who found my husband) come running into the foyer, talking very loudly on a phone in Portuguese, yelling out the name of her husband again and again and from what I could guess, telling him what had happened and asking him to come quickly to the place.

I saw her with my physical eyes, in the foyer, and I heard her talking/yelling, and calling out her husband's name. Then suddenly she wasn't there and I thought she had just gone into another room, and didn't think more of it.

Then weeks later, we met, and I was able to talk to her a little bit about that terrible evening, and I told her that I had seen her come running out into the foyer, talking to her husband all distraught, and that I was confused about seeing her, because it was like an hour after my husband had passed, and I had wondered why she would only call her husband an hour later - and she told me that she hadn't gone out into the foyer/lobby to make a call to her husband! It was a confusing time altogether, but I know that I saw her and heard her at that time in the foyer. 

1998: Time glitch or parallel life blending?:

I had already "started" my 'spiritual awakening' mid 90s, and have always been interested in 'strange phenomenons', so I was not shocked by this experience I had in a Hotel & Conference center in Denmark. We had been working very long hours for many days, organising and managing an important international event. In the huge lobby area of the hotel, there was an upper "walkway", like a balcony, on three sides of the lobby. I had maybe noticed it unconsciously, but hadn't paid attention to it - until the 2nd day.

I was rushing along with some papers, and had to deliver them to someone. As I came to the lobby area I looked up because there was a man standing up there, waving at me and he caught my attention immediately. He was leaning over the railing, smiling and waving, and I felt as if time 'stood still'. It felt as if it was only him and I in the lobby, and he was definitly looking at me and waving. He somehow appeared to be closer than he was, I could see his face, he was bearded, dark hair, a very friendly face. 

The whole thing only lasted maybe 5-10 seconds, and before I rushed on with the papers I quickly took another glance up there - and he was gone. Later, I told one of my colleagues about the incident, and he told me that no one was actually able to get to the upstairs, as the stairs had been cordoned off, and it was empty up there, as they were going to be doing some repairs/renovations the following week! Also, the participants in our event were the only ones staying at the hotel, no other guests were there - and I didn't recognise him as being one of the participants. It also didn't feel as if he was working up there - it felt like he was from a different place altogether, foreign. 

2018: Visiting a parallel life during dream-state, astral travel, or quantum jump?:

This next experience I had, was so perplexing, that I 'fainted' in my dream. I was asleep, and dreamt that I was coming home at night. I was standing outside our door (to a house we had lived in some years earlier, in 'real life'), and was looking for my key, but had also rung the doorbell, and was expecting to see the babysitter open the door (the babysitter/house help I really had in that house, some years before this dream). What nearly took my breath away, was that my departed husband opened the door (!) and he was holding some letters in his hand, and was looking through them and looked up at me and smiled and said oh, hi, you're home, great!

So I realised that "I" was in the dream, with the consciousness of being the 'current me', with the experience of my husband having passed away, and therefore being completely taken by surprise by seeing him opening the door, and by him not being at all surprised at seeing me, - but at the same time "I" was in the dream world/dimension/parallel life, where my husband was still alive, and he saw me and recognised me as 'me', and we were all living in the house that I had lived in alone with the boys some years earlier in this life. 

I felt very confused at the sight of my husband, and I felt myself fainting, like falling backwards in the dream, everything going black, and then I woke up in this current life/dimension almost gasping for air. 

With my current knowledge and understanding of concepts like parallel lives, dimensions and quantum jumps, I believe that this was a case of somehow entering a parallel life while sleeping and astral travelling. It felt very real, and the fact that I was aware that something was strange about the fact that my husband was there and acting so 'normal', tells me that this was not just a normal dream.

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Sacred Geometry (and the link to Our Spiritual Journey)

Metatron's Cube

Sacred Geometry "ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions" (wikipedia). 

Symbols and symbolism is very powerful. It may not always be understood just HOW powerful it is. But if we look around us, in churches, city lay-outs, certain architecture, company logos etc., we can see that we are surrounded - and affected - by sacred geometry symbols, even if we are not consciously aware of their tremendous effect. 

I like to see symbols as directed energy. The way a symbol is formed, determines its vibration. So in a way, a symbol can be thought of as 'manipulated energy'. Once you understand energy, and a bit of mathematics, you could perceivably understand the idea behind each symbol you come across. 

I do also believe, that a good deal of intuitive perception is important in determining the 'vibe' of a symbol - at least if you are looking at one and trying to feel the energy that is emanting from the symbol - or even if you were to create your own symbol for perhaps a logo for your  business or for instilling a certain feeling in yourself, or in your home.  

Powerful symbols have often presented themselves in visions to people on a specific mission. I am thinking for example about the Reiki symbols, which Dr. Usui "received" as he was up on Mt. Kurama on a quest. The origin of the symbols is debated vividly, but the fact remains that the symbols are used by thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide and invoke a certain energy when used. 


Sacred geometry (on Earth) is believed by some to go back at least 4000 years. It is of course difficult to establish the real age of Sacred Geometry itself - it may be much older than that - it may be as old as the Universe, or Life, itself!? If the Flower of Life is, as supposed, the basic template for all that exists, then Sacred Geometry must be equally as old.

Many symbols are defined as sacred geometry. Take for instance the FLOWER OF LIFE pattern, as I just mentioned, and which is believed to be the basic template of everything that exists.  The SRI YANTRA is another example of sacred geometry. The various image representations of our CHAKRAS are sacred geometry. 

Symbols of sacred geometry are very auspicious and powerful when used with respect. I like to include symbols as positive enhancers in ENERGY HEALING sessions. 

Flower of Life - Basic template for all that exists
Sri Yantra - auspicious and powerful. Brings wealth, clears negativity
Heart Chakra - promotes unconditional love towards all that is.

Sometimes, we may knowingly or unknowingly add symbols to our every day life. I have noticed that, whenever I call upon my guides, and Archangels, Ascended Masters, my Higher Self etc., I envision them in a certain structure - not hierarchy according to 'importance' - but a structure nevertheless, similar to a diamond shape.

I have somehow assigned them each a place in this kind of diamond shape, with my Higher Self, and my closest Guardian/Guide in the middle. 

Maybe you also form certain forms of sacred geometry in your daily life, without realising it? 

Sacred geometry can also have a place in your life or maybe hold a message for you, if you find yourself repeatedly drawing lines - with your mind's eye - that form a kind of symbol or structure.  I noticed I did that for many years - I would sometimes 'draw' certain lines, in my mind, with my head or eyes as the 'pen', always in the same order, and the pattern  would always end up the same (see below crude sketch). 

I did then years later realise that I was actually drawing something similar to the Flower of Life, or some other basic element - and that this was/is also part of my own spiritual development and journey. Maybe I will later find out the meaning of this symbol, I have been drawing for years, decades actually. 

An interest in Sacred Geometry, can assist you in not only getting to know yourself, but also in advancing your own intuitive and energy sensitive skills.

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Different realities - individual vs. collective, and our circle of influence

We are all having our own experience of our individual life at the same time as we are having our own individual experience of 'the world'. We are living side by side in a big 'mass', or 'collection', of human beings in this realm that we call 'the world'.

There is a difference between the collective reality, and our own reality - but we are all interwoven, whether we are close to each other or distant from each other. 

Confused? Well, I don't blame you. But try this: Imagine the circle of life. Imagine that you are in the very center, as the light. Imagine that in fact all individuals, are the light of their own center, starting somewhere next to you (your close relations) or far away from you (those who live far away from you). 

If you look at the image, the 6 circles that encircle the center, are your closest range of influence. They are in direct contact with you - so these could be like your family, your close friends, in some cases colleagues, in general those who are closest to you on a daily basis. 

As you move to the next layer of circles further out, you see representations of people who you are not in direct contact with. They are maybe friends of friends, or friends of a colleague, or a distant relative who you do not see very often etc. 

These circles (individuals) who are not directly 'visible' to you, represent people you may know of. When there is some sort of interaction  that affects their circle, they light up.  

When they light up, it means that your 'influence' (in the form of words, actions) can  actually 'travel' along their circle, and so your influence can reach further out. You may not even come to know of this, since you are not in direct contact with the circles (ie persons) that are further out. 

So in this way, we all have a big influence on the circles (people, situations, places) that are CLOSE to us, and we are easily able to detect our influence, as we see reactions, impacts on it, on a daily basis.

We are, however, not necessarily aware of what goes on in the outer circles, and we also don't have a DIRECT impact on what goes on, but nevertheless we are able to have an INDIRECT impact on it, through the ripples we send out, and the points on various circles we are able to LIGHT UP, which then sends ripples through their circles which lights up points there etc. etc. 

In this way we are all connected, like a 'network', like a 'grid' - and what we do and say, DOES have an impact, even further away from us.

So, just imagine how important what you say and do is! Just imagine how much you are actually able to influence your individual close-by reality, as well as the collective! 


UFOs and spiritual evolvement - is there a link?

Whenever I have had a visual UFO experience, it has always preceded or been followed by a new kind of insight, epiphanies pouring in, new guides emerging, or my life shifting in significant and unfolding ways. 

I have noticed that when something inside of me expands, emerges or unfolds as I grow and mature and evolve - it is mirrored in the world around me.  This goes for everyone and everything, at any time. It is how the universe operates. Our outside world is made up of symbolism and signs - mirroring what is going on inside us. So when we start taking note of what we see and experience in the immediate world around us, we can relate it to what is happening within us. 

The universe is within us, and around us and we can travel to anywhere in the universe, by going within, through the heart space.

Not actual ufo photo. Purely illustrative.

This, has led me to believe that, the reason for an increase in numbers of UFO sightings all over the world, could mean that more and more people are opening up to something that is within them. They are getting more and more conscious of a knowledge or wisdom that is already within them. And the MANIFESTED UFO is a direct sign or symbol of something 'alien' or 'previously unknown' that is now becoming more visible, accessible, or known. It is a direct sign or symbol of this new 'activation' of something that is essentially dormant within all of us. We wake up to new horizons, perspectives - we see 'other dimensions' to our life and existence. 

Seeing a UFO could mean that you have reached a new level of understanding of this world/of this 'reality' - and that you have stepped through a 'portal' and into an un-explored area of your/our collective existence. 

And this 'unknown' and new element in our life, slowly grows into something 'normal', as it teaches us new things and helps us evolve mentally, emotionally, and also spiritually - if we let it. 

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The death experience in past life regressions

Dying is a soft, seamless transitioning into another state of being...

In my 'experience', through past life regressions, the actual dying part is a soft, seamless transitioning into another state of being - like the shedding of a shell and returning to your original state. 

I have gone through 3 past lives and dying experiences with a renowned UK-based past life regressionist.  The moments before 'dying' were vivid, and full on emotional - feelings like for example fear, sadness, deceit, or surprise emerged, depending on the events leading up to the death in the particular lifetime - but it was as if the feelings and contact with the physcial body was 'softened' or 'muffled', to lessen possible trauma - as if there was a 'conscious' knowledge of the imminent transition. 

Some time, or moments, before the transition, a bright light emerged, and in some instances a guide - and it was as if the details and the feelings of that lifetime were fading away - and in a split second the transition had happened, and the consciousness was now aware of being on 'the other side'. 

Time seems irrelevant in that state, but it felt like a split second only. 

In my experience, what we are left with, and may possible carry with us into our next incarnation, are the feelings - of fear, sadness, deceit, surprise etc. - as these connect with the souls/individuals we interacted with before. 

Those are the issues, challenges, karmic connections we are bound to deal with, sort out, live through, develop through and grow through in our next incarnation or on the next leg of our soul journey. 

We may have to learn to forgive, to assert ourselves, learn about our own value, re-build trust, forge personal boundaries, learn about empathy or unconditional love, understand the human psyche, etc. etc.

Those are all examples of 'lessons' we come here to learn, through our interaction with others. We continually mature and evolve as souls and we 'change sides' sometimes, so we can experience and learn from the emotions and feelings of both sides - playing the roles of 'the good guy' or 'the bad guy'. 

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