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Energy Healing & Card Readings

Note:  Although my energy/card readings are dated, MANY OF THEM ARE TIMELESS, so you can read at any time, and the information will still be relevant to you.


20 October 2020


Magnetic and kinetic energies at play

20 October 2020 


Having felt off balance, felt 'electric' or 'static', and not able to sleep properly for a few days, I decided to tune in to the energies today, to understand what is going on right now.

I feel that there is something going on with the magnetic forces or energies. It has to do with the poles and possibly the Sun's activities.

There are swirls of magnetic energy in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Pacific, around the North Pole, in Siberia, in South Mexico/Guatemala, down in Indonesia, and around Svalbard as well.

It is felt all over the world. People and animals alike. 

I am hearing 'kinetic energy'. It has to do with kinetic* forces as well as magnetic forces. There is heightened activity or movement going on.

("Kinetic energy is the energy of mass in motion. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy it has because of its motion.)



  • You may feel "out of whack" a bit
  • You may feel off balance
  • You may feel like you are 'buzzing'
  • You may have trouble sleeping

Getting outside and grounding with your feet is important. Feeling the wind is important. Staying calm and taking the time to slow down your pace is important.

Also take time to feel the RHYTHM OF THE EARTH – imgaine the heartbeat of Earth – help it to stay calm during the pulses of magnetic and kinetic forces by being outside and connecting with them.

Ground, decharge yourself, spend time outside barefoot on the ground if possible, to de-ionize yourself (lower your conductivity).

You are supported!

Marianne Johansen



19 October 2020


Purify your energy field

19 October 2020 

If you are feeling UNBALANCED, or a bit 'besides yourself' maybe after a self-healing session

or after going through some shadow work, or after a situation that felt 'off' or 'draining', then you can :

♦ ASK THE VIOLET FLAME to transmute all energies in you and around you, that do not serve the highest good.
See before you the VIOLET FLAME surrounding you and TRANSMUTING these energies into healing white light,
making sure that these energies can not return in a negative form.
The Violet Flame is extremely potent, but also very gentle.
It is a tool that is easy to visualise and it has a powerful effect.
You are supported!
Marianne Johansen



17 October 2020


Focus on the light in your heart

17 October 2020 


If you feel some negative vibes coming from someone or from a situation you are in, then send that person or that situation LOVE.

Beam it out from within you, from your HEART.

When you focus on your heart and on your light within, it will only grow stronger - and it will form a strong, impenetrable FIELD OF LIGHT around you. 


This way, you are able to create YOUR OWN energy or FORCE FIELD around you, with light and love. See your field expand as you put your focus on your heart and that light within - and feel yourself grow more confident, able, and with a desire to help build yourself up - and others too!

You are supported!

Marianne Johansen



14 October 2020


You' re comfortably sandwiched in between your inner resolution

and your strength 

14 October 2020 

GO FOR whatever you have your heart and/or mind set on, whether it is a certain venture or task you want to finish, or whether you want to bring forth an idea of yours, 'give birth to it', bring it to life - go ahead and do it.
If you are feeling the ASSERTIVENESS, or the inkling, or the inner 'nudge' about it, then go ahead - right now there is a collaboration going on between your soul, and your strength/power - it is in balance right now, and 'you' are in the middle, sandwiched comfortably in between your own strength and your RESOLUTION.
GO WITHIN to find support and moral encouragement - BELIEVE in yourself, in your past endeavours and in your creative foresight - it is all supporting you right now - so TRUST IN YOURSELF.
LEAN INTO your own strengths, DRAW ON THEM and feel stronger on all fronts right now. See yourself able to step forward.
You are supported!


 Marianne Johansen 


7 October 2020


Strike a balance through compassion and empathy for yourself 

7 October 2020 


∞ When you envision peace and success that is ALIGNED WITH your inner knowing of "something better is available", THEN you are able to STRIKE THAT BALANCE POINT within you:

∞ Imagine a LEVEL and how you want to keep that balance point of calm and quiet inside you. 

∞ Keep the balance between your own evolvement and the family and home.


∞ If you have many thoughts of 'DOOM AND GLOOM' and 'Where is it all going?', then go in and become AWARE of your thoughts, and STOP the ones that are running wildly down a path that makes you worry. 

∞ BRING THOSE THOUGHTS BACK to your balance point.

∞ HAVE COMPASSION, understanding and empathy for yourself while you DIRECT your thougths on to more CONSTRUCTIVE AND POSITIVE projects or activities.


 Marianne Johansen 


2 October 2020

The Universal Laws are at work all the time

Also when you don't notice 

2 October 2020 

The Universal laws are at work all the time.
It is the laws that 'make everything go round' - the constant moving towards improvement for all, and seeking to reach the highest good for all.
These fundamental, but Universal laws are like the 'unwritten rules' of how things work. And they do not only work when you are ready, or when you notice, or when it seems 'convenient' for you to tap into this flow. They are always working. You can start noticing these laws any time you wish - if you haven't already.
You can tap into this 'universal flow', or Cosmic flow at any time you wish.
You can start noticing how synchronicities are at work, and how gratitude helps to nurture and invite more positive experiences into your life, and how things just 'miraculously' seem to work out when you least expect it, or how 'new' enters your life when you have let go of something with gratitude and understanding, and how things flow when you hold pure intentions for yourself, and wish the best for others.
This is also part of living in a higher consciousness.  


The signs of what the universal laws are, are always there, waiting for you to notice, tap into, and follow. The synchronicities are there for you to notice and accept into your life as your 'inner guidance'. You are connected to the Universal laws, and to the Cosmic flow. 

Signs and synchronicities are there all the time, the world around us is full of symbolism - it is up to us to tune in and to recognise it. 

Read the signs, and the symbolism and get to know how you are doing. Notice numbers, look them up, notice animals that come your way, what is their symbolic message?, notice cloud shapes, notice some text that gets your attention, take not of lyrics in a song that suddenly make you listen. 

The immediate world around you is your symbolic 'park'. It shows you how your inner world is doing. It shows you when to make 'course corrections', when to make a 'pit-stop', and when you are in the flow.  

Be aware of where you put your attention.

Keep your vibrations high, and your thoughts focused on your desires, for the best outcome for all. Get in synch with the energies within you and see how the world around you responds in symbolism, happenings, signs, and experiences.

Nothing is coincidental. You are creating and co-creating. 


Marianne Johansen


22 September 2020


A Time of Balance  

22 September 2020 

Strike a balance within:


Between Fire and Water

Between the masculine and feminine

Between light and dark

Between rest and action

Between thought and intuition

Between Nature and your place in it



 Marianne Johansen 



15 September 2020


What are you bringing in? 

15 September 2020 

Everyone of us brings something to the table, when we enter this world. Don't think that you came with nothing. You did come with something, and your presence is important.
And no one is here by accident. If you are here, you are here for a reason.
So, what is your gift?
Be willing to find out and open to learning what that is.
Find out what it is - and why your presence is important for you - and for others around you.
We don't consciously know what we are doing here. But we can find out, get an idea, we can 'tune in', tap in, perceive things, observe ourselves - and that is how we get to know.  


 Marianne Johansen 



9 September 2020


Notice your moments of Success 

9 September 2020 

We all have small and big MOMENTS of SUCCESS in our DAILY LIFE. BEING AWARE OF THEM greatly enhances our self-worth and motivation, and promotes a feel-good sensation!
Moments with our children, for example: When did you last feel you said something to your child, that turned out to be the best, well-timed advice ever - leaving you feeling happy and good because it really helped your child in the situation, or it made them realise something useful/valuable about themselves?
If you are thinking about it right now, pat yourself on the back, and take a moment to smile and FEEL that SUCCESSFUL MOMENT in your heart - that SUCCESS you had in helping your child!
Maybe you felt another SUCCESSFUL MOMENT when you said something friendly to a stranger today and got a smile back. Or when you managed to finish that project, or that video - or when you found a solution to that problem you had.
Remember these moments of FEELING SUCCESS - be aware of them - and strive to BECOME AWARE of many more of them as you go along!


 Marianne Johansen 



8 September 2020


The light is always on 

8 September 2020 


The light in our heart is always there - but we can turn up the flame by for example: 

  • Feeding it joyful, lovoing thoughts through our awareness 
  • Performing ceremony or ritual as per our liking, for the highest good for all
  • Visualisations like: 
  • 1) seeing the light entering through our own divine connection 
  • 2) breathing it into our ever-flowing fountain of loving energy 
  • 3) spreading the light from our heart space and outwards, surrounding ourselves and everyone and everything around us 
  • Doing kind and loving acts of service to others 
  • Being gentle and loving with others 
  • Being gentle and loving with ourselves 

Whenever you feel the need for UPLIFTMENT, or ENCOURAGEMENT, INSPIRATION or COMPASSION -  remember to look in your own heart first. 

You are supported. 


 Marianne Johansen 



7 September 2020


A feeling of being very supported. Ushered. 

7 September 2020 

DIG INTO YOUR DRIVE, your Life Force, Your Power!
There is a feeling of being very supported right now. Like we are being ushered. Given a solid, but safe and secure 'push' onto the ice. And we realise that we are able to glide securely on there, and twirl and jump as we wish! It is our time to shine!
So, see your own strengths! Use your mental acuity to discern what is what. See through the fog of illusion.
What is actually nurturing long-term benefits for all? Where do you want to put your energy?
What is driving you? Who is gaining from what you are about to do?

We are given clear insight, and the ability to cut through the fog and see what is behind it. 

So when you think of your next step, ask yourself: What is driving my idea? 

Am I accumulating for myself or am I able to give something to others too? 

With clarity and drive, comes Accountability and Responsibility. 

You are supported!


Marianne Johansen 



5 September 2020


Being the "quiet" mass of love and compassion  

5 September 2020 

With regard to all the gatherings and movements going on in the streets of many cities worldwide I heard the following when tuning in:

  • "Step off the "rampant way" of gathering … get together in support – in caring – in supporting those who have had a hard time – show love and compassion – not violence and big speakers ….
  • Get together for a cause and just focus on that – show the quiet calm way …. In sympathy for and empathy with those who are having a hard time, those who have had a traumatic experience – get together for them – help them – help their famiy … be the quiet mass of love and compasion that you can be and that you have showed before – those numbers you show up in in the spirit of love and compassion weigh heavier and mean much more for the benefit of the collective than angry rants and destruction – the togetherness in compassion and care for each other is more potent – it feeds love and it breeds love - -
  • It fosters feelings of love – it stokes the flame of love, the flame of compassion, the light"  


Marianne Johansen 


27 August 2020


Beyond this physical world  

27 August 2020 

How often do you go back into the core of yourself, into the wonderment, the awe, remembering who you are - remembering that you are a soul?

You connect beyond this physical world. Embracing that sense of being bigger than this lets you take an elevated view of the world, of your own troubles - seeing the lessons in them, seeing that everything works at a different level than just the physcial cause and effect: You go left you bump into someone, you go right you are clear. 

Life (i.e. you), is more than this – you do something and it attracts someone, you do something else, it attracts someone else, you take an interest in a topic and suddenly books and links and conversations lead you to this topic, inviting you to dive deeper into it.

You call on guides or angels or higher benevolent beings for advice or guidance, and you get it, you go with what your inner voice tells you and you end up in a better place, one step at a time.

You feel atracted to symbolism and you find guidance when you look it up, you notice number sequences and you find guidance when you look them up. You find yourself able to tune in to a situation or person or place, and sense the energy.

You hear about how our life experience is like a spiral and that we return to the same topic again and again but each time from a different angle - and you suddenly notice it’s happening in your life too…

So many ways of reaching that "something" that is ‘higher than the physical world life’ – when you feel the connections between what you experience and how you perceive life, the synchronicities, the lessons that help you move up a level.

Awareness – is key. Curiosity. Openminded-ness. Awe – are some of the keys to unlocking the doors that take you to your original self. To the higher version of yourself. The version that feels the connection with ‘something bigger’, the version that is part of 'something bigger'.


That expansion is happening – like a big long in-breath. Do you feel it?



Marianne Johansen 



26 August 2020


Information is coming in fast  

26 August 2020 

Intuition Expressway!

Be discerning! If you are tuning in to your intuition, ask for the pieces of information that is necessary for you and your purpose/life, and for you to help others. 

Ask for help from your guides to sift through the information. Breathe in, calm your expectations, ask e.g. Archangel Jophiel to help you with your thought process, to slow down the information flowing in to you and to help you hold on only to the thoughts and information that is of the highest good for all.

When you communicate with your higher self, your guides, with higher benevolent beings, be specific - make sure you let them know exactly what you would like them to you help with. 

For example: 

"(Higher self, your chosen guides/Angels/Ascended masters/Higher benevolent beings).... please help me hear and understand your guidance. Please help me to act upon your guidance, for the highest good of all. 

Please help me understand my purpose/mission - and please help me fulfill it for the highest good of all, including mother Earth, all beings on her, Nature, and the Cosmos. For sustabinable growth and development that helps bring out the  light and love in everyone and everything."  

That is just one example of how precise you can be. You can narrow it down to specific tasks you would like help with, or understand. 

As you know, you can ask any question you want, and you can ask for help with anything that will be for the highest good for all. Keep your intentions clear - so that you know what you want to ask for. 

And make this a daily routine. You will see results and changes.

CHANGE HAPPENS THROUGH YOU - you are the conduit! You are the one that is making it happen - and you choose what you want to put your energy into. 


Marianne Johansen



24 August 2020


Your Life Experience depends on You 

24 August 2020 

Your life experience depends on what you want it to be, and what you want to focus on - whether it comes from a spiritual viewpoint or a more 'earthly' view. 

Whatever you focus on, and notice, will appear more regularly.


After asking you guides or angels for guidance, you might feel inclined to look something up, maybe you 'heard' or 'saw' a word or a name, and as you read, you notice reading that RAINBOWS can act as a sign that your guides are near you. 

The next day you might go through a difficult situation, but you notice rainbows in the sky - and it makes you feel better if you want to believe that they are signs from your guides. You may feel comforted, and suddenly 'elevated', being able to rise from the difficult situation with a different view, and maybe even a new idea for something that will help you, or someone else. 

Whatever you place your belief in, is what you will notice! ....   Your life experience depends on you. 

You are supported. 


Marianne Johansen



19 August 2020


Opportunities, Surprises, and Inspiration for the World 

19 August 2020 

Today's cards were very optimistic. They contained energies of opportunities, surprises, and inspiration for the World. 

Telling us not to give up, or give in.

In the face of adversity, it is important to find inspiration where we can. 

Combining this with tonight's "Black Moon" in Leo (the 4th New Moon in a season - normally there are three!), it makes sense.

Leo is all about passion and strength! Pulling forth the strength from within! Pulling it out of the shadows within. What you may think of as 'weaknesses' about yourself, may actually turn out to be your greathest strengths, once they are 'alchemised'. 

Open up to using your connection to Spirit. Meditate, auto-write, day-dream - get into that zone where your mind's chatter takes a back seat for a while, so you intuitive connection comes forward.

Guides, Ancestors, higher beings of the Spirit realms are very near - they are wanting to bring forth messages of love and strength (never of fear - and this is how you can tell whether messages you 'hear'/'feel'/'see' are from higher beings of light!). 

If any guides, Spirit, ancestors or other beings of the light appear to you, then go with it, honor the connection - and be open to any messages they may have for you. 

Two nights ago, I had a strong sensation and 'sighting' (inner vision) of a DRUID figure appearing. Today I came across a druid symbol, which made me look up more on Druidism (which I have felt very strongly connected with over many years), and the information connected to something else I heard the other day - the puzzle pieces connect, even when you don't know what each single piece means to you. It will come together, if you follow your heart/your intuition. 

Keep the faith in the bigger picture, and in the higher beneveolent realms!

Marianne Johansen



16 August 2020


Realise your own Strength 

16 August 2020 

KUAN YIN is described as the Goddess of Compassion. She represents the ENERGY of: Helping those who are suffering in the world; Hearing the crying of people, and; Helping to bring enlightenment and compassion to them. 

Today, I heard the name Kuan Yin, and then auto-wrote the following:

"To invoke Kuan Yin, you can meditate. Or you can say the mantra Om Padme Mani Hum (this I looked up again). See through the illusion (your mind chatter) and believe that she (this energy) is really with you. 

Recognise your own STRENGTH. Realise your strength. Strength is many things. You can have strength in many different areas : 

    • Manifesting
    • Teaching
    • Resolving inner conflict  
    • Providing prosperity for family, creating family bonds
    • Creating abundance around you 
    • Building a home - or a family
    • Getting Creative ideas - and believing in them, following them through
    • Knowing when to stop, to let go and release 
    • Guiding other people 
    • Sharing knowledge and so on

REALISE WHAT YOUR STRENGTHS ARE - and then BELIVE IN THEM. NURTURE them, love those qualities in you, have COMPASSION for yourself and your strength."  


Marianne Johansen  



14 August 2020



The Lion's Gate portal is still active 

14 August 2020 


Right now, as we are still in the "LION'S PORTAL", you may be feeling the influx of light and energy - it is very powerful - and it is all to your benefit! 

You may see and feel the energies on and off, but when they come through for you, in the form of images or sensations, you will not be in doubt - you can see and feel it very strongly. 

If you feel it, see it, or 'hear' it - don't dismiss it! 


It can help you. So, explore it, try to hear or visualise what it is telling you, be open to knowing/feeling/seeing which areas of your life it can nourish and feed you in positive ways. How can it help you, and how can you help others, for the greatest good of all? 


www.ask-angels.com/spiritual-guidance/the-888-lions-gate-activation/ writes: 

"Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. 

The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.    

The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation!

The Lion's Portal/Gate opens up around the 8th of August (8/8) each year, but the effects of its opening can be felt throughout most of August, ever so slightly decreasing. 

Use this ENERGISED time to invoke or awaken your INTUITION! It can help guide you forward. 


Marianne Johansen



Visit my FB page for previous Energy/Card readings: 

Life Guidance - Marianne Johansen 




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