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Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters, other Higher Beings
Guidance from our loved ones


INDEX:   /   Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters, other Higher Beings    /   Guidance from our Loved ones (see also Contact with the other side and Mediumship)   /   Ancestors as guides 



Angels, Saints, Ascended Masters, other Higher Beings

Guides are like energy forms that manifest before us, in a non-physical manner. They come to us, always, when we call upon their energy - but they often also just 'appear', when we are doing spiritual work either for ourselves or with/for others.

We may hear their name, we may see it written, or we may just know/sense that someone is with us. We may often see an image of them, with our mind's eye. 

 The appearance of a guide always comes with a MESSAGE. It feels like advice or comfort coming from a dear, wise, and beloved friend. An expansive, loving, comforting feeling accompanies the guide(s) as they enter your field, or envelop you.

 You may be surprised at the accurate and on the spot timing of your guide(s). Even if you haven't called on them, they will appear if it is essential for you that they are there. They will also appear if they have been on your mind and you feel you needed help but you hadn't actually called on them. They are, again, right there, as soon as you intend to ask for help. 

It is like having a loving back-up team on 'standby' 24/7. 

You may also be surprised at the accuracy and the nature of their message. It is always a message that provides the most help - sometimes we may need to interpret the message before we understand it - but it will always turn out to be the best advice! The more you let your guides in, and trust that they are there, ready for you any time, the more they will come, and always at the right time, with the right message for you. 

 GUIDES come in many forms:

  • Angels
  • Archangels
  • Saints
  • Biblical figures
  • Ascended Masters
  • gods of different cultures
  • other higher beings from different dimensions or realms
  • loved ones from your current incarnation who have passed
  • your ancestors
  • your 'soul tribe' from 'home' (if you are a starseed).

 Tip: Generally, getting as much information as you can about the guides/energies, will help you understand the message they bring to you - unless of course it is clear to you from the start. And trust your intuitive inklings and gut feeling.

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Guidance from our loved ones 

Our loved ones who have passed to the other side, watch over us. They feel our sorrow and our love for them.

When we feel the most despair or grief, or when we hold them consciously in our heart even if just for a brief moment, they are more than willing to come forward and give us a sign that they are still with us and around us. 

They communicate in such ways, that we just know it is them sending a message to us, from across the realms. 

They reach out in gentle and loving ways, that they know will not scare you, but rather give you a comforted feeling. They sense and know situations where you would benefit from receiving confirmation or validation, or comfort and a loving feeling

The more open and relaxed you can be around communication with your loved one, the more comfort and love you will experience from it.  


♥ Their messages can come through in the lyrics of a song that you suddenly notice playing on the radio, or the song comes on as soon as you start your car engine or turn on your radio/random playlist.

♥ You may also see sparkles out of the corner of your eye and realise you have just intensely thought of your loved one. 

Butterflies is another universal symbol that our loved ones on the other side love to send us. Butterflies are also symbolic of transformation and how we leave one form and shift into a different form. You may even have talked about it with your loved one before they passed, and then they send you the biggest, most beautiful butterfly soon after they have passed - or they send smaller butterflies that dance around your children when you are outside somewhere wishing that your loved one could have been there with you. 

♥ You may get a sudden impulse to look for something, or take out a book and read a certain chapter. This may also be a message from your loved one. You will know, because it will make sense to you, and it will seem like a very personal message to you, fitted around your current situation. When your thoughts immediately go to your loved one, it is a sure sign that the guidance is from them. 

♥ Your loved ones can also act as your protectors and help prevent accidents from happening. They might appear as bright sparkles that will help you realise you must be extra aware or cautious in a given situation. 


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